The Bible clearly says in Jeremiah 1:5 that before We were formed in our mothers belly God knew us and ordained us. One if not my favourite scripture is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts I think towards YOU, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil to give YOU an EXPECTED end" the NIV finishes this verse by saying plans to give YOU a hope and a future.
Where am I going? Good question stay with me it will all make sense.
Like I mentioned in previous blogs I grew up with low self-esteem didn't think I was good enough and didn't like me. I often used to compare myself with other people who were in the same field as me like other singers, other young dynamic preachers etc. Whilst doing that I started to envy them not realising what was inside of me.
Some people used to tell me that I was waayyyyy too loud, wayyy to energetic and too talkative and I used to try the tone everything down, not talk too much not crack too many jokes untill something inside started to feel like noo!!! Enough is enough! That is not me and I shouldn't try to change to please men. If God put it in me and didn't convict me about it its a part of me that God has need of. And the more God was dealing with me on how to accept ME. I realised that I was more and more becoming people bound rather than being God bound. I had allowed people to determine how I should be instead of allowing my creator to break me, make me and mold me into who he wants me to be.
Don't get me wrong sometimes God will convict you of something through people but if it causes heartache, distress and hurt IT AIN'T OF GOD!!
There isn't another me like there isnt another you. God has created you uniquely fashioned with a specific purpose that only YOU can fulfill. Nobody can be a better you but you!
Being in leadership amonsgt 4 other guys where I was the only female and the youngest one I was always told how I should behave in order to look proper and that meant burying who I was, who God made me to be to become this woman they wanted me to be. Did what they do work? NOPE! NOT AT ALL! Instead it made me more insecure. I felt like I was putting an act on, and always wondered what if I drop that act, will people take me seriously? Will people still like me? Untill one day the Holy Spirit reminded me that GOD has the final say over me and that GOD made me this way for a reason and for the purpose he has for me and looking back then and looking at myself now I have grown a whole lot and what I was told to tone down is what God has been and is using to enable me to fulfill my purpose and connect with various people from various walks of life.
And since then I have become PEOPLE FREE!!!!! Dont care about what people say on whatever I do anymore. Its all about what God says about me! Becoming people free will enable you to fullfill your destiny. And so what you praise a bit louder than everybody else? You dance a bit more than everybody else? You dont sing as high as another singer? YOU ARE YOU and THAT'S WHAT MATTERS and its high time you EMBRACE WHO YOU ARE!
To return to the scripture I highlighted God has amazing thoughts and plans concerning YOU and for YOU his thoughts and plans towards YOU are for YOU and nobody else!! There are things with YOUR name on it just for YOU!! Don't forfeit the purpose God's plans and purpose for your life by comparing yourself to oher people, you keep on wishing you were like someone else. The truth is that by carrying on like that you will never be able to be a better YOU because you are trying to be somebody else and you will never be able to fulfill YOUR destiny because you are too busy trying to fulfill somebody elses!
Be Encouraged!! Be people free and God bound but above all BE FREE TO BE YOU!
Love y'all
Yours In Christ