Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Is it Ever Going to Be Alright?? (If He Did It Before, He can do it AGAIN!)

Have you ever gone through situations so tough that you  wondered “Is It Ever going to be Alright?” You try to hold on, 
be strong and courageous whilst persuading yourself that it will soon be over but yet it seems like it is still going on and never ending?  Then you get to a place of discouragement and total despair. The load seems too heavy to carry and the pain too much to bear; it seems like nobody understands what you’re going through. You feel all by yourself in this situation! Your heart feels so heavy that it physically starts to hurt just thinking about where you’re at and what you’re going through? You haven’t given up but you are on the verge of giving up, barely hanging on. 

You go to church Sunday after Sunday with that pain. You smile and act like everything is ok but yet you know deep deep down inside that you’re not alright because of what you’re going through? You stand there leading Praise & Worship, ushering, playing your instrument, preaching but yet you’re soo discouraged! It feels like you’re often the one to give someone an encouragement when they need it the most but yet when it comes to you it seems like nobody is there to give you a helping hand to boost your faith up and encourage you? If that’s you then this blog is for you!

Recently I was going through very discouraging times! Things that I was waiting on God to for were still not happening.  Just when it seemed like things were going to breakthrough things started to go downhill. And then I found myself in a place of total discouragement and despair. My heart was soo heavy that I couldn’t even talk to anyone concerning what I was going through. I would find myself crying out to God and weeping asking “Why me?? When is it going to come to pass”  Anybody been there where it always seems to be you that’s facing a hard time whilst some other people seem to be enjoying their lives (Based on how they act and what we can see from the outside coz we don’t know what they are going through behind the scenes! #Selah Moment right there!)? You ain’t the only one!! I would weep and cry, weep and cry, weep and cry asking God all the Why’s, When’s and How’s! 
Then one day I was on my way somewhere then I looked at my bible app on my phone and the 1st scripture that came up was: Jeremiah 29:11 in the Kings James Version it reads:
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of  peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”And in the NIV it reads “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord
plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Then the Lord begin to remind me of the tests and trials that he brought me out of and as I look back I can truly testify that had it not been for the Lord who was on my side where would I be??!! You see sometimes when we go through our current test we often forget the many testimonies that came out of the tests that God brought us out of in the past. The Lord then began to reassure me that if He brought me out then, He can surely and assuredly bring me out now. No matter the situation, no matter the challenge the word of God is true. The bible says in Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”. If He said it it will surely come to pass! In our current test we have to realize that oftentimes the way God brought you out of tests in the past might not be how he will bring you out of the one you’re in! His ways are not our ways and his thoughts certainly not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9).  As long as we keep our eyes focused on Him and Him alone the mountains we are facing will become invisible.

When you look at the story of Peter walking on the water (Matthew 14:22-33) He was in the midst of a storm, had the faith to come out of stress, fear, panic and doubt and go towards Jesus! But as he was walking as soon as he turned his attention off Jesus and started focusing on the wind and how it was impossible for him to walk on water and be at peace in the midst of the storm he began to sink! As Jesus stretched his hand he said to Peter “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” (V31- NIV). Peter had seen many miracles performed by Jesus and had witnessed Jesus saving him and the rest of the disciples in a similar situation as He calmed the storm in Matthew 8:23-27. He was expecting Jesus to silence the storm like He did before but Jesus had another agenda. And because the way Jesus was going to bring him out of that one didn’t seem like how he brought him and the rest of the disciples he began to doubt, fear and started to sink.

Like Peter you’re facing the storms of life and you decide to stretch forth and look to Jesus, you’re doing fine for a while, you have peace in the situation you’re in knowing that God will bring out but then you like Peter start sinking because of doubt, fear and panic, looking at the situation, thinking this is not how God brought me out before. There you are sinking in depression, oppression, discouragement and despair.

But let me encourage you that in the midst of it all God is in total and complete control. He has never failed you and He is not about to start now! Even as you are going through your current test! Remember the testimonies from your previous tests and let it encourage you that if He did it before! He can surely do it again! Sometimes God won’t send people to boost your faith or give you a word of knowledge. Sometimes God will allow you to go down Memory Lane, Past street and Trials avenue to encourage you and remind you that He is in control and that indeed it will be ALRIGHT!!! Why??? Because His thoughts towards you are GOOD to give you an EXPECTED END! He might not bring you out of your test they way He'll bring your friend out of his/her test but He will bring you out uniquely so that you can have a testimony that's yours and unique!
Keep on keeping on and keep on holding on!! Just know that in DUE season if you’re not weary in well doing! You shall reap if you faint not (Galatians 6:9)!

Be encouraged y’all!

Love you all and God loves you more


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